Monday, January 08, 2007

Year End Wrap-Up Thingy 2006 (Introduction)

Since this seems to be the season for end-of-the-year weighing and judging, I thought I’d write a bit about some of my favourite music this year. This post has grown a lot more long-winded in the writing, so I’ve decided to separate things into five parts, with the standard caveat that this introduction may be the only thing that actually gets posted.

As in most years, I started listening to a lot more albums not released in 2006 (~90) than actually released in 2006 (~20). This is a bad habit of mine that I have decided to call my “Bob Dylan’s 49th Album” syndrome, i.e. “How can I listen to anything new when I still haven’t listened to Blood on the Tracks?”. I’ll consider the “new” albums (released in 2006), and the “new to me” albums in separate posts. After that, I’ll reminisce about some of the live shows I saw this year, and finish up with some New Year’s music-listening resolutions.

I’ll try to keep this post floating at the top, and new ones will appear sporadically over the next few days, with handy hyperlinks below!

Sometimes I Do Listen To New Music
Don’t Tell Anyone You Don’t Own Blonde On Blonde
You Had Me At Track 1
Hello Montreal! Merci Beaucoup!
Hey, Hey, My, My

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