Tuesday, June 05, 2007


So, my computer is dead for now. What started with a warped DVD stuck in the optical drive ended up with a zapped hard drive and a broken Mac. A bit of laptop surgery later (of course I'm qualified to take apart laptop computers!), the disc is out of the optical drive, but the hard drive seems to be toast.

Failing to take my own advice to everyone, my last backup is about five months old. I haven't lost much actual work, since I've been mainly at the bench these last few months, but I might have lost quite a lot of writing in my journals. I haven't exhausted all the possible ways of resuscitating the hard drive or recovering the data yet, so all hope is not lost for getting the writing back.

In the meantime, while the computer is getting fixed, I think I'll treat this as a "crisitunity" - a chance to do more reading and more thinking, an opportunity to get outside more, get more work done, and to just generally spend less time online. Paradoxically, that might actually mean more blog posts, since those tend to get written in "productive thinking time" rather than "internet wasted time". We shall see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crap. A friend's Seagate (i think) bombed out, and he sent it into them asking for their "lowest tier" recovery service - think it cost him a hundred or two, but got most of his data back.