Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Recent Shows

Jay and I saw two shows this past week, so here’s a post about that. We saw Mastodon at the Spectrum, then later that week we saw M. Ward at Sala Rossa. Both shows were excellent, but I suspect Jay and I were probably the only people to be at both shows. Videos below! Both bands featured really incredible musicians, albeit talented in completely different ways. Whereas the guys in Mastodon probably spent years in their bedrooms chained to ever-quickening metronomes, M. Ward has a much more jazz- and folk-influenced style.

1 comment:

loring said...

Ha ha. I rock harder than you because I have a killer beard and I make love to the mic with my forced cookiemonster voice and thrash real hard on my bass. You can tell I'm the lead singer because I rock out harder than even my band mates.