The idea of the counter is that it listens to what I’m playing on my computer and iPod, sends it to their website, and then formats it into a chart that gets displayed back here. I’m not too worried about privacy issues here, but more worried about what people will think when they see that I’ve already listened to “Margaritaville” twice this morning. Once it’s got a bit more data to work with, I think I’ll switch to a weekly chart, rather than a “just-played” chart.
One drawback is that the count is only starting from yesterday, so it’ll miss out on a decade and a half of listening. But it does work well for getting an idea of what I’m listening to these days in general. For the sake of comparison, I looked at the data from my local copy of iTunes. This data goes back to November ‘04, when I started working on this machine. Here are the Top 20 most-played tracks:

Good list. nothing wrong with that. however, there is something wrong with the formatting of your blog. when I use Firefox, it's fine, but when I use IE, the side bar flickers and ends up at the very bottom of the blog. Wierd. I've tried it on my work computer and my home computer, and it's still the same. I don't know if anyone else has these problems.
Urk, thanks for pointing that out Loring. I'm still off in Mac-land, so I haven't checked it in IE yet. But it works in Safari!
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