Friday, April 21, 2006

Moving In Continued

I’m continuing to move into this space bit by bit. Today I’ve messed around with the sidebar, and tossed up a bunch of links. As will probably become a trend here, I’m shamelessly stealing from (or paying homage, if you prefer) to the late Douglas Adams. The link categories for now are Life, The Universe, and Everything. Links in the “Life” category are people I know who also have websites. “The Universe” has a bunch of science- and evolution-related stuff, and “Everything” is, well, everything else.

The next step in moving in is to modify the theme colour scheme and template a bit, so the site doesn’t look exactly like 10 million other Blogger blogs. Also, to actually write enough here so that the “content” isn’t greatly outmatched by the sidebar.


Len said...

Template tinkering is like #4 on my procrastination list. Now that I have more time, it's going to draw me in like water to a sponge. Although I'm pretty strong with CSS, I found the following links useful. Maybe you will as well!

ps: congrats on the blog =)

Rod said...

Hey Len,

I did do a bunch of fiddling, but ended up not liking it as much as some of the defaults! So I'm back to (what I think is) the same template as your blog. I've got a bit of experience with CSS also, but I haven't really had time lately to dig into it.

Len said...

You might want to check out - it's a free blogger-like hosting space but powered by wordpress. You can import all of your posts and comments from your blogger account pretty painlessly. I'll be switching over soon.

ps - sorry for the deja vu post!

Rod said...

Hey again Len,

That's definitely interesting. I set up a local WordPress install for one of the discussion groups I'm involved with (at ), so I'm familiar with the feature-set. I think I'll stick around here for a bit though.