Friday, December 14, 2007

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

I’m reading Shakey, the Neil Young biography, and so far it’s pretty awesome. I’ll say more when I’m done, but for now, here’s a sampling of the index subheadings for “Young, Neil”:

Young, Neil:
        alcohol and,
        attracted to quirky people,
        banjo played by,
        boats of,
        changeability and spontaneity of,
        chicken farm run by,
        corporate sponsorship mocked by,
        disappearances by,
        drugs and,
        as Godfather of Grunge,
        hearse driven by,
        model trains as interest of,
        shyness and introversion of,
        tour buses of,
        vintage cars collected by,
        women and,

Now, does that sound like an interesting book or what?

Uninformed Political Prognostication

I spend a fair amount of time following US politics - much more than Canadian politics. I couldn’t really say why, though maybe it’s just that the villains are just crazier and more obvious. Anyways, with the first primaries a few weeks away, I thought I’d make some predictions. To get an idea of how good I am at this, I’ll say I was sure Gore was going to win easily in 2000, and sure that Kerry was going to win in 2004.

On the Democratic side, I think Barack Obama is going to finish his comeback and win in Iowa, then go on to win the nomination. I’d prefer him over his main two rivals simply because he’s a newer face that doesn’t immediately summon visions of the battles of 2004, or all of the 90s. But really, I think any of the main three Democratic contenders would be alright, in the sense that any of them would be much better than any of the Republicans.

As for the Republicans, it would be funny if it weren’t so scary that one of these guys is going to be nominated to become the President. This video sums up the field pretty well:

As for a prediction, I think Giuliani is going to pull it out - he’s the favoured candidate of the corporate interests that run the GOP, and they usually get their way over the social conservatives.

In the general, I think the Democrat wins easily. So, given my record of predictions, that means four more years of war, climate change denialism, and crazy health care. Awesome!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saturday is YouTube Day

Alright, back at it on a clear and snowy day in Montreal. First, a quick one for while I’ve been away:

Hey, Radiohead has a new album out. It’s pretty good:

And, keeping with the live music theme, here are some hip young gunslingers covering the Jayhawks: